Tip # 47 Celebrate with Buttons
I am sure we can all agree that Walt Disney World is pretty fantastic. You can be a kid no matter what your age. :) And celebrating significant events can be a real treat with Disney.
Our family has celebrated several events at Walt Disney World. Birthdays, graduations, anniversaries to name a few. Probably the most memorable was when my daughter was turning 8 years old. Soon after arriving we went to the Guest Relations area and asked for a birthday button. They gave us a large button and wrote my daughter’s name on it. She proudly put it on the front of her shirt and away we went!
We only went a few feet away when she was wished “Happy Birthday” by a cast member. Then another cast member called her by name to ask when her actually birthday was! Not only did cast members wish her happy birthday, but other guests at the park did as well!! I can tell you, it felt pretty magical to my daughter.
The day just kept getting better. More and more people wished her Happy Birthday. She got extra attention from many of the characters she met. At the Crystal Palace she received a birthday card signed by Pooh Bear, Tigger, Eyore and Piglet. AND a special birthday cupcake. So much fun! By the end of the day she counted 107 birthday wishes!
In all fairness I must tell you that having a celebration button doesn’t guarantee ANY special treatment. Don’t expect it. That way when it does happen, it is truly a Magical Memory!
Make sure you note any special occasions to your travel agent so they can add it to your reservation. And be sure to stop by Guest Relations and pick up your Celebrate Button!
These Disney tips and tricks have worked well for me; your mileage may vary.
Making Magical Memories
[…] her birthday at Walt Disney World she got a celebrate button, as you might recall from my earlier tip. She wore that button proudly through out the vacation. When it was time to go to the airport we […]